OrganicNZ Community Garden of the Year
OrganicNZ Community Garden of the Year

Voting runs from 3 April – 29 April
This award recognises the most popular community garden in Aotearoa!
We want to highlight the beautiful, productive māra and community gardens supporting food security and sharing knowledge around the country.
The Criteria
Nominations for this category have to be:
- A community garden! Whether based in your neighbourhood, marae, school, or your local park, nominations have to be for a specific community garden that is managed and shared by the community.
- Not-for-profit. This award will go to a voluntary scheme where food is provided for free.
- Spray-free! We’d like all nominations to be gardens using organic principles such as composting, spray-free and nature-friendly.
The finalists
Golden Bay Sustainable Living Centre
Since 1986, Golden Bay Sustainable Living Centre has fostered community gardening through regenerative organic practices. It provides growing space, organic produce to those in need, garden supplies, education, and events, engaging volunteers locally and globally in its holistic vision for connected communities.
Te Māra Hapori o Parihaka – Parihaka Community Garden, Taranaki
Te Māra Hapori ki Parihaka blends collective gardening, Te Reo Māori revitalisation, and regenerative agriculture. By supporting three Marae and fostering community, it honours the legacy of Tohu Kākahi and Te Whiti o Rongomai. Regular working bees celebrate traditions, provide tons of organic produce, and promote peaceful resistance.
Grow Community Garden, Masterton
Established in 2022, Grow Community Garden fosters food resilience and mental well-being through organic vegetable cultivation. Linked to Food Resilience Wairarapa, it welcomes diverse cultures, offering workshops to remove barriers to food growing and utilising the gardens for community benefit and education.
Smith Street Community Farm, Christchurch
Smith Street Community Farm incorporates productive gardens, plot holding, and a foraging pathway. With volunteer sessions on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, they are bringing the community together to cultivate fresh produce, share knowledge, and promote sustainable agriculture for all. Ōrewa Community
Garden, Hibiscus Coast
The Ōrewa community garden, inspired by permaculture principles, showcases possibilities in an average suburban backyard. With an amazing bunch of supporters, this community garden is sharing gardening knowledge, inspiring backyard growing and contributing surplus produce to the Hibiscus Coast community house food bank.
Each vote you make gives you one entry into the draw to win one of two $50 Kings Seeds Vouchers. Voting closes on 2 May, the winners of the seeds will be notified shortly after.