Building & Technology Articles

Shelf life – or human life?
There is a new system of industrial food manufacturing that produces edible substances that are not food, but rather food products containing novel, synthetic molecules never found in nature. These ever-increasing laboratory-engineered chemistry experiments are designed to simulate food.

Critical Thinking on Gene Technology Regulation
Layers of manipulation and obfuscation are being used to package deregulation of gene technologies as a net positive. Bonnie Flaws outlines how, and why one of New Zealand’s leading biological science professors considers regulation the best tool we have to prevent risk.

Tourism doesn’t have to cost the earth
The tourism dollar is coming back, but at what cost? Claire Brunette investigates how New Zealand can, and does, balance the effect on the environment while still reaping the rewards in our economy.

Recycling companies close the loop
Diana Noonan investigates the work of three recycling companies saving us from ourselves.

Fashion: the good, the bad, and the greenwashed
If you’re feeling overwhelmed and bewildered about what constitutes planet-friendly fashion, you’re not alone. Claire Brunette unpicks the multilayered environmental and ethical issues within the fashion industry.

Visit the luxury hut heated by mulch
Louise Perzigian visits a luxury hut in Nelson with a low-impact price tag and a heating system powered by a giant pile of mulch.

Investigating Aotearoa’s e-waste footprint
Electronic waste is the world’s fastest growing waste stream, and in Aotearoa most of it ends up in landfill where it can leach toxins into soil and waterways. The good news is that we are taking steps to reduce
our e-waste footprint. Bonnie Flaws investigates.

Everything you need to know about natural bedding
On the hunt for a peaceful night’s kip, Theresa Sjöquist visits four natural bed manufacturers and discovers the secrets behind a healthful slumber.

Craft and transform with Rekindle workshop
A Christchurch community workshop is empowering people to learn traditional crafts using local materials, which is good for people and the planet, as Anne Gastinger discovers.

Light-earth sanctuary
Earth building is cheaper than conventional building –…

Recipe for an eco kitchen
Custom-made kitchen cabinetry using natural materials may…

Low-tech living in a light-earth house
No fridge, doing the laundry by hand, and carting composted…

How to make a charbecue
Sharon Stevens in conversation with Dennis Enright

The sci-fi world of targeted GE
Dr Heli Matilainen explores the lightning-fast development…

Rainwater harvesting, part 2: Clean and safe
Organic NZ Magazine: January/February 2015
Section: Building…

Rainwater Harvesting
Organic NZ Magazine: November/December 2014
Section: Features

Eucalypts: Sustainable timber
Organic NZ Magazine: July/August 2009
Section: Building