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113 search results for: compost


Moon Calendar September 2024

Suggested seasonal tasks based on the cosmos, are a wonderful starting point for investigation, as each farm, property or garden is a unique organism.


Sliding into Spring 

What does a ‘sliding scale’ price mean? I have been aware of this concept for years and had wanted to implement it in our business for several years as well, but had lacked the tech knowhow to create multiple prices for the same product until this winter. By Setha Davenport.


Shai Magic

Raglan organic grower, compost maker, gardening educator and permaculture landscape designer Shai Brod shares his compost-making and spring gardening tips with Mynda Mansfield.


Midwinter Musings

Christine Dann found the Matariki holiday was a perfect time to take a walk around the garden and think about what worked well in the past year, and what needs to happen in the new year.


Tribute to Hazel Berryman

Hazel Berryman was a life long gardener who believed in two cardinal credos: ‘you are what you eat’ and ‘eat food that goes bad, but eat it before it goes bad’. With these two credos, Hazel lived to the ripe old age of 100.   


Keep your garden growing

Though growth will slow as the cold sets in, Diana Noonan gives ideas on how
to keep your garden producing to offset the cost of living. While doing that, she
advises that we must also look to the future and prepare for the coming spring.


Watch the Organic Living Lab series

Thanks to everyone who join us for the first Organic Living Lab Series this Organic Week. The recordings of the four webinar workshops are now live and ready to watch and share.