Earthworkers: Regenerative Horticulture 101

Auckland | 29 April – 3 May

Earthworkers: Regenerative Horticulture 101 is an education programme that focuses on the ability of plants to heal the planet, through the microbial health in the soil and the magic of photosynthesis.

Whether you are a passionate home gardener, environmental advocate, urban farmer, market, marae or community gardener interested in restoration, regeneration and the wonder of biology by attending this course you become part of a network that is growing radical hope through food.

By the end of the course, you will have explored: 

  • the importance of utilising biology-first principles for growing food
  • the practices that support abundant biodiversity and the production of nutrient dense food. 
  • practical tools and strategies to use in your own regenerative setting

By attending this course you become a part of an optimistic and connected network of growers who are healing the planet.  

We provide online mentoring and peer-to-peer learning for continued post course support and success.

We are committed to support our participants to gain confidence in becoming regenerative growers.

Find out more / register here.