Planning the home orchard/food forest/lifestyle block

7 Puketirau, Tirau, Waikato, 3484 | Saturday 4 May, 10 am

Sheryn Dean, former editor of OrganicNZ and TreeCropper magazine, has been collecting and trialling food-producing plants on a 3ha lifestyle block in the Waikato for 15 years. She has experimented with growing a wide range of fruits, nuts, vegetables, stock fodder and hopefully, one day, truffles. Come and discuss the variety of trials, pruning techniques, and microclimate manipulations she has experimented with to grow a wide range of plants.

Topics covered: planning, species selection, planting, formative pruning, micro-climates, and considerations for ongoing maintenance. View a mature orchard to see the results of different techniques.

Bring lunch and a chair, a notebook, and labels and bags if you wish to take cuttings. Please dress to be outside for the weather.

Hot and cold drinks are provided—$20 per person, payable on the day.

Email Sheryn to confirm your attendance