Free Articles

Photos from Jenny’s garden
Soil & Health member Jenny Williamson shares some photos from her garden.

Cultivating Change
Sarah Smuts-Kennedy shares her journey as an artist and advocate for regenerative farming practices, and her role in founding For the Love of Bees, OMG market garden, and the Earthworkers 101 course.

Sri Lankan pulled jackfruit curry
A deliciously unique vegan curry recipe. If you haven’t cooked with jackfruit before, this is an easy way to start. Recipe from Healthy Kelsi by Kelsi Boocock

From paddock to plate and back again
As he deepens his knowledge of organic and regenerative horticulture and the links with soil, food and health, Chris McIntosh of Ethos Café has found his life journey coming full circle.

Easy peri peri chicken
A simple spicy chicken recipe from The Good Farm Cookbook, which features wholefood, ethical protein, gluten-free, low-sugar recipes.

Mushrooming with next-gen homesteaders
Lenny Prinz and Jodi Collins lead a busy and inspiring life that includes growing mushrooms and cultivating spawn, developing compostable mushroom packaging, creating art, raising children, gardening and community projects. Read their story here.

Working with the earth
Coral Ramiro is the manager of Earth Stewards certified organic urban farm in Kirikiriroa / Hamilton, and an alumna of the Earthworkers Hort 101 programme. She tells her story to Sarah Smuts-Kennedy.

Dark chocolate crunch bars (aka ‘healthy’ protein bars)
Each of these easy-to-make healthy protein bars gives you about 5 grams of protein - perfect for a snack!

2025 Calendars for Sale
Our Calendars are back by popular demand. We have the sought after ‘N*de Gardening’ calendar, as well as a requested ‘Beautiful Gardens’ calendar (for those who prefer to hang a calendar that doesn’t get so much attention!). Both calendars include the moon phases.

Creating on-farm fertility
Chaos Springs at Waihi run regular workshops about soil health, composting, and on-farm fertility. Jenny Lux reports on a recent workshop.

Spring into Kōanga!
Spring into Kōanga is a seasonal celebration on Waiheke Island. It’s one of the Kai for Community projects that focus on reconnecting with true seasonal celebrations and the stories and traditions around growing, harvesting and sharing food in the Waiheke community.

Steamed eggplant with spicy sauce drizzle
This is an extremely simple dish that’s packed full of flavour. It’s great to cook during peak eggplant (aubergine) season in the garden. There's a homemade chilli oil recipe here too!

Asparagus & Lemon Walnut Crumble
The asparagus season is short, so make use of the season with a nutrient-laden crumble you can whip up in 10 minutes.

Fat Hen & Cashew Cheese Tart
A commonly foraged vegetable throughout the world, fat hen is a good source of protein, fibre, calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin A and trace elements, making this vegan tart — which uses both the seeds and leaves of the plant — highly nutritious.

Leek and Potato Stew
A simple, flavour-packed stew utilising spring veg and pantry staples – serves four. Recipe and photos by Tess Lenart

Sliding into Spring
What does a ‘sliding scale’ price mean? I have been aware of this concept for years and had wanted to implement it in our business for several years as well, but had lacked the tech knowhow to create multiple prices for the same product until this winter. By Setha Davenport.

Midwinter Musings
Christine Dann found the Matariki holiday was a perfect time to take a walk around the garden and think about what worked well in the past year, and what needs to happen in the new year.

Kūmara and white bean soup
This seasonal soup serves 6, is quick and easy to make, and very nourishing fare on a cold winter’s day. All the ingredients are easily sourced from an organic shop near you. By Christine Dann.

Shelf life – or human life?
There is a new system of industrial food manufacturing that produces edible substances that are not food, but rather food products containing novel, synthetic molecules never found in nature. These ever-increasing laboratory-engineered chemistry experiments are designed to simulate food.