Monique Macfarlane

Moon Calendar Nov-Dec 2024

Cosmic planting calendar

By Monique Macfarlane

As the weather warms, the garden fills with the beginnings of summer abundance. I am such a fan of fruiting crops such as tomatoes, beans, eggplants, chillies, as they just keep on giving. It is important to ensure you are planting out healthy, well established seedlings, as this will help with transition into the garden, and assist in everything flourishing with ease.

When I first started growing food, I had a very structured approach to all the tasks that needed doing – setting up beds, sowing seeds, growing seedlings, transplanting, plant care, nutrition sprays, mulching, harvesting. The more years I have been with the garden, the more that a new approach has arisen: one that flows with the garden.

Instead of writing a never-ending to-do list, once I arrive in the garden, I focus first on the suggested daily task in the calendar, as the cosmic power is in alignment with it, and then I leave the rest of the time open, to tend to what needs doing as I witness it.

Timeliness is always key. When we do the job that needs doing as soon as we see it, or have an internal prompt to check in on it, I find it is far more efficient. As soon as I notice that the tomato laterals need to be pinched, it’s a quick and easy job, whereas if I add it to the to-do list – they are a forest by the time I get back to it!

Changing the approach to being with the garden in this way, following the cues of the entire ecosystem, allows us greater connection to ourselves, as well as everything that surrounds us.

A worthy gift this season, and beyond.

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Monique Macfarlane is a holistic food systems facilitator, teaching biodynamics, planting by the moon, no-dig food growing and self-sufficiency. See 

Monique co-creates with organic, biodynamic, regenerative, no-till, and natural principles on eight hectares in Waihi that includes a small market garden, orchard, pastoral grazing, chickens and agroforestry.