Health & Food Articles
Growing organic hazels
Hardy hazels are well suited to organic growing in New Zealand, and the nuts are nutritious and versatile. Philippa Jamieson profiles Otama Hazels in Southland as an example of a successful small block and looks at the opportunities for more growers to enter the market.
Drink smart: the impacts of alcohol
Always wondered what that glass of wine does to you? Holistic nutritionist Laura Hett breaks down how alcohol impacts the body, deals to some classic myths, and leaves us with a few tips and tricks.
Eco-friendly period products
The average menstruating person uses up to 15,000 sanitary products in their lifetime, with the majority of them ending up landfill, waterways and the ocean. Claire Brunette investigates planet-friendly alternatives
Meet the locals: Organic Pantry by Shakti
Organic Pantry is a social enterprise in Ranui, West Auckland, run by Shakti – an organisation that supports migrant and refugee women in vulnerable situations. We talked to its founder, Farida Sultana.
Add daylilies to your plate
Herbalist Sara Mertens celebrates the day-by-day delights for the palate and health of daylilies (hemerocallis).
How to make kimchi
Not only is kimchi delicious but it’s a probiotic that is great for gut health. Theresa Sjoquist talks to two kimchi makers to find out the secrets of this moreish crunchy pickle.
Banned pesticide impacting New Zealand youth
An insecticide called chlorpyrifos, banned in the US but still widely used here, is again under the spotlight due to risks of exposure in New Zealand children.
Hormone balance, naturally
Holistic nutritionist Laura Hett explores the roller coaster world of hormones and provides practical advice on lifestyle changes that can make a difference.
Kūmara recipes from Hapī
Kūmara is something we need in our community. It’s an abundance crop, says Gretta Carney, owner of Hapī Ora organic café and māra in Ahuriri–Napier. She shares some of her favourite kūmara recipes.
Kai as medicine with Hapī Ora café
Gretta Carney, owner of Hapī Ora organic café and māra in Ahuriri–Napier, talks about kai as medicine, the quantum science behind biodynamics, homeopathy and Hua Parakore – and shares some favourite kūmara recipes.
Meet the locals: Weathersfield Organics
Bridgit Gibellini lives in Nelson and owns herb and vege seedling company Weathersfield Organics.
Banana blossom, leek and kūmara crustless pie
Here is my finger-licking, creamy crustless pie, which also features caramelised leek, fresh rosemary, light spices and chunks of sweet kūmara, all immersed in a rich sunflower, miso sauce and finished with a layer of the parmesan-like cheesy rosemary crumble. Do not put this gloriously cosy winter’s pie in the too-hard basket, it truly is very simple to put together and so delicious.
Horopito: how to use our hottest native herb
Herbalist Sara Mertens celebrates our hottest native herb and peppers us with ideas on how to use it in the kitchen and medicine cabinet.
Meet the locals: Donna Evans of Commonsense Organics
Donna Evans is the store manager at organic grocer Commonsense’s newest store in Milford. We talked shop with her.
Autumnal munching recipes from Flip Grater
Edible activism meets ethical hedonism in Flip Grater’s new cookbook, which is packed with favourite recipes from Grater Goods, her vegan deli in Christchurch.
Honey Turmeric Carrots with TranzAlpine Honey
Subscribe to Organic NZ and enjoy a free jar of organic honey.
Raw blackcurrant & vanilla cheesecake recipe
A delicious cheesecake recipe using blackcurrants from ViBERi, the award-winning organic blackcurrant company.
Super summer recipes from the Two Raw Sisters
Recipes by the Two Raw Sisters, from their new book Salad
Plant-based recipes with a side of Bloody Mary
Matt shares a couple of simple and delicious recipes with Organic NZ readers.