Sweet as Can Bee — The TranzAlpine Organic Honey Buzz
From Hive to Table, TranzAlpine Honey is a national organic treasure. Family beekeepers since 1910, they have been certified organic since 1993. This is no small feat for a tight-knit team of 12 people taking into account that to be certified organic in New Zealand you must adhere to some of the most stringent and rigorous legislation in the world.
All of the TranzAlpine Honey organic honey products are tested for 200+ micro residues, including an extensive range of harmful agricultural chemicals. This vigorous testing process is only a part of organic requirements and is unique to their products.
In addition, each batch of honey comes with an MPI and organic transaction certificate to confirm the quality and traceability and you can track each jar directly to the hive it came from.
They go to great lengths to ensure that each batch of honey has only the good stuff.
Award Winning Organic Honey
The last 12 months in the New Zealand organics industry have seen a big shift, with many progressions finally coming to fruition, such as the passing of the New Zealand Organic Standard.
TranzAlpine Honey was actively involved in the development of the New Zealand National Organic Standard as a key participant in policy discussions and is an active member of the development team with MPI.
For years, TranzAlpine Honey has worked behind the scenes to meet the criteria for COR-US organic equivalence and FDA certification, which was finally granted in 2020.
In 2022 TranzAlpine Honey won the prestigious ANZ Business of the Year Award for Excellence in Export.
In 2023, TranzAlpine Honey was named Organic Brand of the Year, and two signature products took Gold and Silver at the NZ Artisan Awards, with many finalist spots in between.

They also celebrated 30 years of organic certification – a milestone they’re exceptionally proud of.
“Since 1910, we have continued to demonstrate our commitment towards organic practices, never cutting corners at the expense of our biodiversity or pollinators.”
With a successful agricultural regeneration project not only underway but thriving they continue to explore every avenue possible to find more ways to be sustainable, reduce our carbon footprint and mitigate climate change.
TranzAlpine Honey Kicks off 2024 with an International Flavour
At the start of February 2024, TranzAlpine Honey wowed the international organic sector at the largest organic trade fair, BioFach, that took place in Germany, with the launch of their next Generation of Organic Honey. Their new sustainable labels and stunning new brand look hit the sweet spot with suppliers and retailers from all over the world.
The buzz took them to California at their next stop in Anaheim at the largest natural products trade fair, Expo West, in the US. They scooped up a finalist spot at the prestigious Nexty Awards and proudly represented New Zealand as the largest organic honey producer.
Celebrating Organic Week 2024
TranzAlpine Honey is immensely proud to support Organic Week 2024 as a Silver Sponsor.

TranzAlpine Honey
From the New Zealand Alps to the World