
Waihi Bush an Organic Legacy with a new Global Scope

When presented with an opportunity to acquire one of New Zealand’s most recognised organic retail brands, it would be hard to pass on such an opportunity, especially if it perfectly aligns with your current operations. In November 2023, when approached by the previous owners of Waihi Bush Organic Farm, Daryl and Debbie Prebble, owners of the Bio Oils NZ Group, welcomed the addition of this longstanding retail brand.

“Bio Oils, our production company, is New Zealand’s largest producer of cold pressed, extra virgin flax seed oil,” says Daryl Prebble. “Our core business is growing and producing premium quality flax seed oil for the domestic and export markets. We are proud to be uniquely New Zealand and have our flax seed products fully traceable back to the farm where the seed was grown”. 

Bio Oils was established in 1987 when six Canterbury arable farmers and businessmen recognized the health benefits of flax seed and its oil. One of these arable farmers was Daryl’s father, Gavin Prebble, and Bio Oils is proud that the company has been owned and operated by the Prebble family since its inception. 

With Bio Oils being created by farmers for farmers, the company prides itself on the relationship they have with their Canterbury growers.  “Our Canterbury growers produce some of the world’s best oilseeds with high concentrations of bio-actives and healthy omegas. This is due to the unique Canterbury alluvial soils, environment, and weather conditions” Daryl proudly says. 

With a dedicated crop manager and a tailored growth management system in place, Bio Oils works with their growers to ensure the crop is carefully managed, from planting through to harvest. With the support of their community and growers, they aim to achieve a successful crop for the grower, yielding high-quality seed and resulting in premium-quality oil. Linseed is a true break crop and is very suited to organic and regenerative farming with low input and better plant health. Unlike many other break crops, it is not depletetive.  

Working with arable research organisation FAR and internationally recognised linseed plant breeders, Bio Oils is researching and trialling new linseed cultivars. “Having new varieties helps create biodiversity within the soil structure, healthier plants resistant to diseases affecting traditional varieties and ensures a viable crop as older varieties start to decline”. 

Working closely with their growers in the management of these crops, the trials have been very successful. For the first time in New Zealand, Bio Oils has commercially grown autumn-sown linseed crops, introducing new varieties with unique properties that are easier to manage with high yields.  “These Autumn sown options ensure linseed can continue as a viable crop for our growers. I am proud of our Canterbury region and arable farmers; it is a crucial industry for our region, and we need to be looking ahead at ways we can sustain this. We are excited to have our first commercial areas available this year”.  

Sustainable production is at the forefront of the Bio Oils operation. Certified organic with BioGro and Halal certification with FIANZ, the company is now working towards its B Corp certification.  B Corp certification is awarded to companies who are committed to using their business to work towards a more inclusive and sustainable economy and environment. Sustainability, people and the environment are particularly important to Bio Oils and an ethos they value.  

Operating for over 35 years, Bio Oils has perfected its artisan cold pressing techniques to generate zero waste material. Flax seed oil is cold pressed from the whole seed, leaving a flake-type product, also known as de-fatted linseed. This de-fatted seed is then either milled into fine powders for food and beverage use or left in its raw form as a functional ingredient in stock feeds and high-end pet food. 

Bio Oils’ core business is producing high-end flax seed oil, focusing on the high Omega 3 content found in oil cold-pressed from linseed grown in Canterbury.  However, as some of the Waihi Bush products require other healthy oils for their blends, it has given their growers more choice in the oilseed crops they grow for Bio Oils.   “Having more choice to offer our growers, and the chance to use our own New Zealand grown and produced oils in our Waihi Bush products is very exciting and aligns with our ‘New Zealand Grown and Produced’ core value” says Daryl. 

Given they already have a high-end retail brand in Totally Kiwi, it was a natural decision to bring the Waihi Bush Organic Farm brand into the Bio Oils Group. When developing the Totally Kiwi products Debbie found that most flax seed oil products were sold in capsule form in Health and Wellness stores, as a health supplement to take with your daily vitamins.  “I enjoyed using flax seed oil as an edible oil to make dips and dressings or to drizzle over my food, and I often added crushed garlic and herbs to the oil. I could see our cold pressed, extra virgin bottled flax seed oil sitting next to other healthy edible oils in our grocery stores, targeted at health-conscious foodies” says Debbie. “It is so easy to incorporate flax seed oil into our daily diets, and the infused oils are a great way to enhance the flavour profile of dishes, and of course add a healthy dose of Omega 3 too”.  In 2012, after a successful product development stage the Totally Kiwi products were launched. 

Totally Kiwi products are sold in organic stores, specialty food stores and grocery outlets as a gourmet culinary product, whilst Waihi Bush products are found in health and wellness stores throughout New Zealand. “Having a presence in both channels complement each other well and offers consumers choice” Debbie says proudly. 

Debbie is very passionate about the retail brands, and with her background in sales the opportunity to increase market availability was an exciting move. The goal of the retail brands is to help educate consumers about healthy edible oils and the essential Omegas they contain. Essential fatty acids such as Omega 3 and 6 cannot be produced in the body, so they must be consumed in our diets. Our bodies require a balance of these two Omegas, but the typical Western diet results in an imbalance due to the overconsumption of Omega 6 found in cooking oils, grains, and fast foods. Omega 6 can cause inflammation in the body, whilst Omega 3 has anti-inflammatory properties.  Flax seed oil contains a massive 60% Omega 3, making it the best edible oil to address this imbalance and inflammatory conditions. Flax seed oil is also a sustainable choice over standard fish oil Omega 3 supplements and a great product for vegans, vegetarians and those on a Keto or Paleo diet.  

Daryl, Debbie, and the team at Bio Oils are looking to take the Waihi Bush brand globally using their expertise in export markets. “When purchasing the brand, we looked at key performing products, how they would fit into our existing production processes, and how we would market them globally before finalizing the core product range. We are still tweaking the range following customer feedback and are working on developing new products. We’re excited to take the Waihi Bush range to the next stage, increasing the product range while focusing on our core products. With the Waihi Bush products now bearing the NZ Fernmark alongside the BioGro Certified Organic seal and a fantastic team working towards the same goals, there is unlimited potential for the Waihi Bush Organic Farm brand”. 

In joining the Bio Oils Group, Waihi Bush Organic Farm joins a longstanding family-owned and operated business that is proud of the Canterbury region, its growers, its team, and the high-quality products it produces. “We strive for nothing but the best for our customers. It’s who we are, what we do, and what we stand for,” add Daryl and Debbie proudly. Who better to shepherd the Waihi Bush Organic Farm brand to new heights? 

Waihi Bush is a proud silver sponsor of Organic Week.

Sweet as Can Bee — The TranzAlpine Organic Honey Buzz

From Hive to Table, TranzAlpine Honey is a national organic treasure. Family beekeepers since 1910, they have been certified organic since 1993. This is no small feat for a tight-knit team of 12 people taking into account that to be certified organic in New Zealand you must adhere to some of the most stringent and rigorous legislation in the world. 

All of the TranzAlpine Honey organic honey products are tested for 200+ micro residues, including an extensive range of harmful agricultural chemicals. This vigorous testing process is only a part of organic requirements and is unique to their products. 

In addition, each batch of honey comes with an MPI and organic transaction certificate to confirm the quality and traceability and you can track each jar directly to the hive it came from.

They go to great lengths to ensure that each batch of honey has only the good stuff.

Award Winning Organic Honey

The last 12 months in the New Zealand organics industry have seen a big shift, with many progressions finally coming to fruition, such as the passing of the New Zealand Organic Standard. 

TranzAlpine Honey was actively involved in the development of the New Zealand National Organic Standard as a key participant in policy discussions and is an active member of the development team with MPI.

For years, TranzAlpine Honey has worked behind the scenes to meet the criteria for COR-US organic equivalence and FDA certification, which was finally granted in 2020. 

In 2022 TranzAlpine Honey won the prestigious ANZ Business of the Year Award for Excellence in Export.

In 2023, TranzAlpine Honey was named Organic Brand of the Year, and two signature products took Gold and Silver at the NZ Artisan Awards, with many finalist spots in between. 

They also celebrated 30 years of organic certification – a milestone they’re exceptionally proud of. 

“Since 1910, we have continued to demonstrate our commitment towards organic practices, never cutting corners at the expense of our biodiversity or pollinators.”

With a successful agricultural regeneration project not only underway but thriving they continue to explore every avenue possible to find more ways to be sustainable, reduce our carbon footprint and mitigate climate change.

TranzAlpine Honey Kicks off 2024 with an International Flavour

At the start of February 2024, TranzAlpine Honey wowed the international organic sector at the largest organic trade fair, BioFach, that took place in Germany, with the launch of their next Generation of Organic Honey. Their new sustainable labels and stunning new brand look hit the sweet spot with suppliers and retailers from all over the world. 

The buzz took them to California at their next stop in Anaheim at the largest natural products trade fair, Expo West, in the US. They scooped up a finalist spot at the prestigious Nexty Awards and proudly represented New Zealand as the largest organic honey producer. 

Celebrating Organic Week 2024

TranzAlpine Honey is immensely proud to support Organic Week 2024 as a Silver Sponsor. 

TranzAlpine Honey

From the New Zealand Alps to the World

Ceres Organics — A small company with a BIG purpose

A small company with a big purpose – to bring healing to the Earth and humankind.

“Our belief is that every bite we each take can make for a better tomorrow. By choosing organic food, we can create positive change in the world.”

Ceres Organics is a New Zealand company a little bit obsessed with enabling organics to be a part of everyday life for everyone. Their story started back in the early 1980’s, as a small collective of like-minded people concerned about the issues society was facing and how they might best tackle those. This collective held a shared belief that the foundation for a good life began with nourishing ourselves with healthy food, and without doubt natures best medicine was organic food. 

Starting with a forward-thinking mother, Juliet Lamont, on a mission to bring her kids up on nutrient-rich organic food, running a stand at a school fair to find others on the same path. This led to the first urban organic co-op and the joining of a group of friends with a shared vision to heal the world, including Rodnie and Noel, who are still there today. Ceres wholefoods store in Ellerslie opened a few years later, and by 2001, Ceres Organics became the first BioGro-certified organic distributor in New Zealand.

The original vision of their founders continues to guide the company in making the best decisions possible for the planet and its people. They’ve built up a great supply of organic foods over the years, and now have over 300 products under the Ceres Organics brand that they distribute to supermarkets and specialty shops across NZ.

Being certified organic has been hugely important to Ceres Organics. They go to a lot of effort sourcing the best organic ingredients, and being certified means they can trace every product right back to the farm it came from.

“Our food is grown and harvested in its most natural state through organic farming practices that reduce your exposure to harmful chemical residues, are minimally processed, and prioritise nutrient-rich soils and biodiversity. GMO products and GE processes are prohibited. We also ensure a cleaner ingredients list because questionable artificial additives aren’t permitted. The result is food full of organic nutrients, flavour and tasting like real food should.”

Ceres Organics recognise that Organic Certification helps to protect the health of our soil and ecosystems by working in harmony with nature and focusing on soil fertility as the foundation of a healthy crop. 

Organic agriculture can even sequester carbon back into the soil. It’s a stark contrast to conventional agriculture, which focuses on boosting plant growth with the use of synthetic chemicals that degrade the quality of our soil, our waterways, and the air we breathe – all chasing short-term profits. Never genetically modified, their food is real. No artificial chemicals enter the food chain at any stage of the journey. Every nut, seed, and superfood is traceable from planting to purchase.

“Our growers don’t have to deal with nasty chemicals, making for safer working environments, and we support fair working conditions and prices. By choosing organic, we bring healing to the earth and humankind and contribute to a better future for everyone. And that’s our goal.”

40 years on, and their goal hasn’t changed.

Ceres Organics’ belief in what they’re doing has only grown stronger and the urgency greater. They are still the passionate believers, and now the world has begun to wake up to the benefits of organics and their products are now available in hundreds of stores where their organic goodness is available to many.

“To us the future is organic. We think it’s a key driver to help the world’s economic, ecological, and social problems. Our ingredients push sustainability one step further, into regeneration. We utilise local and renewable resources, growing things where they naturally grow best.”

Find out more about Organic Week’s proud Gold Sponsor, Ceres Organics:

Woolworths — Proud to work with over 100 organic growers

Woolworths New Zealand is proud to work closely with over 100 growers across Aotearoa. The retailer is particularly excited by the potential of its organic growers, who provide a variety of fruit and vegetables for its stores. 

Demand from customers who want to buy products that are better for the environment continues to grow. Woolworths believes that having a comprehensive range of organic fruit and vegetable products is critical for meeting that demand. 

With its organic range, Woolworths aims to provide customers with the best sustainably produced, soil friendly, pesticide-free fruit produce and works with growers like Central Organics, OOB, Monavale, Thain Agri, & Southern Cross Produce to name a few, to bring this to life in its store network. All of Woolworths’ organic produce is also fully certified by BioGro or AsureQuality, helping to build customer confidence and trust in its own range of products and organics more widely.

Woolworths New Zealand’s General Manager of Fruit and Vegetables, Ryan McMullen, says that it’s fantastic to see customers continuing to support organics year after year. 

“We believe there’s still plenty of untapped potential in the organics space. Customers are certainly telling us that they want value, but they’re also saying they want to know what they’re buying has a minimal impact on our environment. 

“The more we can grow the range in the organics category and ensure more year-round availability for customers, the more accessible we can make it for more New Zealanders. I see that as a win for everyone”

Woolworths has a fantastic range of fruit and vegetables that meet the certification including apples, blueberries, carrots, potatoes, plums, avocados and more.  

Find out more about Organic Week’s proud Platinum Sponsor, Woolworths New Zealand:

How can we best celebrate our great growers this organic week?

What to eat during Organic Week?  Hopefully, we will consume local organic and biodynamic products.  Even better, we will consume products rich in nutrients and phytochemicals such as phenols and antioxidants, beneficial to our health and well-being.  And even better, we will choose to eat, drink, wear and use such wholesome goodies every day, everywhere.  

Sustainable growing systems – organics and biodynamics – do influence the quality of food, drink and fibre produced.  Grown well, these products can benefit us in so many ways.  

At a global level, a recent study by the Food System Economic Commission, in association with the University of Oxford and London School of Economics, concluded that existing “conventional” food systems destroy more value than they create.  For the first time, the value of a move to sustainable food systems has been quantified.  It comes in at US$10 trillion of benefits a year, including reduced production costs and better health and environmental outcomes.

The study proposes moving away from tax breaks and subsidies for large-scale monocultures that rely on fertilisers, pesticides and clearance.  Instead, smaller, sustainable units with wildlife can turn economic production into carbon sinks.  

Current food production is the largest contributor to biodiversity decline, freshwater breakdown, one third of global greenhouse gas emissions, growing food insecurity, and to adverse health outcomes.

“Changing the way we produce and consume food will be critical to tackling climate change, protecting biodiversity, and building a better future.  It’s time for radical change,” according to Nicholas Stern, chair of the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the London School of Economics.

This and other studies also conclude that the “radical change” is neither too expensive nor too difficult to achieve in the relative short term.  It is clearer every week the choices we need to make to growing systems and policies to produce the necessary medical and environmental outcomes we increasingly need.  And Aotearoa can help lead this change.

Recently, the Kete Ora Trust, a sponsor of Organic Week, funded an extensive first stage study by Plant & Food Research examining links between growing systems and nutrient dense food.  Kete Ora Trust funds research and education to promote biodynamic and organic land use.

Food nutrient density has declined rapidly since the 1940s due to agriculture practices and applications.  It now takes more conventional food to produce the same amount of nutrients from the same food consumed by our forebears.  

Sam Weaver

”biodynamic and organic can improve not only soil and human health, but also produce positive environmental and net economic gains for growers and consumers.   This is a quadruple win for people and the planet.” – Sam Weaver

Chair of the Kete Ora Trust, Sam Weaver says there is strong evidence that sustainable growing systems have real advantages over conventional systems to produce food and drink rich in certain minerals and phytochemicals, beneficial to our health.

“More sward diversity and healthy growing means more soil life and more soil nutrients available to plants and therefore to animals and humans,” says Sam.

“We have seeded a study that offers other sponsors the chance to demonstrate that biodynamic and organic growing systems and products can improve not only soil and human health, but also produce positive environmental and net economic gains for growers and consumers.   This is a quadruple win for people and the planet.”

Sam Weaver added that as a wine grower and producer he is greatly encouraged by research showing biodynamic wine growing produces more beneficial phenolic compounds in wine, compared to conventional growers.  The same outcome is achieved from organic and biodynamic olive and other production.  Phenolic compounds can reduce oxidation that helps prevent disease in cells and organs.

Further stages of the Kete Ora Trust initiated research will add to mounting evidence that organic and biodynamic management systems produce the healthiest products from lower inputs, improved biological processes, low/no contamination and greater species diversity.  

“The evidence is either there or nearly there.  The need is palpable.  The Kete Ora Trust is inviting other funders to join us to enable food production to move to a healthier level.  As we celebrate Organic Week, let’s continue in the knowledge that each one of us, this country, and the world can greatly benefit from organic and biodynamic production.” 

Find out more about Organic Week proud silver sponsor, Kete Ora Trust: